Welcome to our NOR Children’s school
Your Children Are Safe With us
NOR Children’s School
NOR is a beautiful boutique children’s school situated in the heart of Tujunga, located 1.5 miles from La Crescenta. We serve children aged 2-5 years old, and we offer a progressive bilingual Armenian-English program, which follows the latest research findings of early childhood education theories and principles.
A difference you can feel
When you first step foot into our school, you will immediately feel how different the atmosphere is compared to other childcare centers. Unrestricted by the outdated traditional model of preschools, NOR focuses on creating an enriching environment for children; taking inspiration from the Reggio Emilia approach, that encourages learning, and inventiveness through organizing experiences and teaches children the importance of supporting their community.
We believe that every child is special in their own individual ways. Through our holistic approach to child development, we guide children into honing newskills and discovering their individually unique strengths.
We welcome your family with open arms!
What Makes NOR Unique
Your child will thrive here. NOR cultivates a holistic approach to both child and family. NOR understands the importance of the whole child, including their life outside of our children’s school, and as a developing member of their community.